Connected Care

Understanding Connected Care

In 2015, Medicare launched Chronic Care Management, as part of the Connected Care initiative. One in four Americans are living with what is considered to be a “chronic” health concern. These long-term health concerns generally manageable through medication, and include common conditions such as asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease, among many others.

Medicare recognizes that managing multiple health concerns while working with multiple healthcare providers can be overwhelming. Connected Care helps your healthcare team provide you better care, so you can spend less time managing your care and more time doing what you love.

Chronic Care Management Services Include:

  • 20 minutes per month of clinical time
  • A personalized care plan developed by a dedicated health professional
  • Coordination of care between multiple providers
  • 24/7 emergency access to a health care professional
  • Expert assistance developing and meeting your health goals

Wellbox CCM is proven to help people maintain and improve their current level of health and wellness.

Interested in understanding chronic care management better?
Watch this video released by Medicare

“I don’t see my doctor very often so it’s been great for me to have an additional resource checking in. I have a lot going on, but the nurse was able to show me some things I could do for stress and medication management that have been really helpful.” Participant Since 2017

CCM Makes an Impact

A third party study recently showed that the Wellbox model is having a positive impact, keeping more people out of the hospital, saving money, and keeping people happy!

Interested in participating in a CCM program? Ask your doctor today about Chronic Care Management by Wellbox!

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